Photos by Marc Rapp.


Shannon J. Reilly

Your quick wit and story telling talents shine over and over all through the production.

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ShannonJReilly I’m my garage I have a huge step ladder. It’s all I have. My mother never told me who my real ladder was.
ShannonJReilly There’s a new reality court show on TV. Litigants plead their cases to a judge who stays behind a thick door watchi…
ShannonJReilly My doctor was worried about how little fruit I eat. He said; “Shannon, just eat a hand full of dried grapes a day.…
ShannonJReilly They say the most popular microscopic life form is mold. It’s everywhere. But what not? It’s such a fungi.
ShannonJReilly When I was a kid I used to eat chocolate snak paks like they were going out of style. Then one day I just quit. Sud…